Trail U



Use the checklist in this downloadable Trail U Brochure to keep track of what you’ve learned and note the workshop days you attended.


Courses and Course Descriptions

Core Classes (Complete All)

Invasives Strike Force Surveyor Workshop

Invasive Plant Management Tips and Techniques

Leave No Trace Awareness Workshop


Electives (Pick 2)

Invasives Strike Force Crew Removal Workday

Complete an Invasives Strike Force Survey

Guided Nature Walk with Trail Steward or Stewardship Staff Member

Any Non-Trail U NYNJTC Event


When you complete the Expert Ecological Steward curriculum, simply contact to claim your well-earned "Steward" patch as a reward.


If you have any questions about Trail U, please reach out to



Invasive Strike Force Surveyor Workshop -

Ever wonder what makes a plant an invasive species or how to identify one?  Would you like to help protect our environment while you hike?  Take this workshop to find out how!

Invasive plants cause problems for our environment and make the habitat less hospitable to our native birds and butterflies. Our Invasives Strike Force volunteers help spot invasive plants so that we can schedule work days to remove them. You’ll learn easy ways to identify a set of invasive plants commonly found along the trails and how to record information about their locations.

As an Invasives Strike Force volunteer you will learn how to identify 14 common invasive plants, collect data, and use a GPS unit. GPS units can be borrowed from the Trail Conference or you may use your own or your smartphone. After completing training, you will be assigned to a trail section about 2 miles long.  You will be expected to walk your trail section while identifying and mapping these invasive plants.  Surveying should be completed by the end of the summer.

This workshop is an intensive class-room style training session with an outdoor practice component.

Pre-registration is required. 



Invasive Plant Management Tips and Techniques -

Do you already care for our trails as a Trail Volunteer and are looking to take your trail maintenance to the next level? Are you a homeowner who is frustrated by the invasive plant growth on your property? Help protect native plants an/or wildlife by learning how to identify and remove invasive plants from your trail segment and property!

Invasives are often the pesky overgrowth that takes over a trail and forested areas that  disrupt the surrounding ecosystem. In this workshop, you will learn some tips and techniques for the timing and type of removal of invasive plants that are common to our region. No prior plant identification skills are required to sign up!



Leave No Trace Awareness Workshop -

Would you like to learn valuable skills and techniques that can be used to enjoy the outdoors responsibly and sustainably? Understanding the seven principles of Leave No Trace will help you conserve, steward, and protect the outdoor spaces you love.

Leave No Trace is a personal outdoor ethic that anyone can practice. Anytime you can put Leave No Trace into action, you are helping to protect all of our favorite natural spaces—from your backyard to the backcountry. This workshop will cover the history of Leave No Trace, why it matters, the research and science that inform these recommendations and guidelines, the seven principles, and how to apply these minimum-impact practices.

Completing this Trail Conference University Leave No Trace Awareness Workshop brings you one step closer to earning your Ecological Stewardship Expert badge! Click here to learn more about Trail Conference University.


Invasives Strike Force Crew Removal Workday

Do you enjoy birds, butterflies, and wildflowers? Would you like to help protect them? Come help us remove invasive plants from this beautiful park!

Join the Trail Conference's Invasives Strike Force as we remove invasive plants. Anyone can participate. No experience is necessary; we provide on-the-job training. You will need to bring leather work gloves, plenty of water and a lunch you can eat on the trails. We provide the tools.



Complete an Invasives Strike Force Survey -

Would you like to help protect our environment while you hike? Have you already taken our Invasives Strike Force (ISF) Survey Workshop webinars?

As trained volunteers, you will conduct monitoring and reporting of the species introduced in the ISF Surveyor Workshop along a 1-2 mile assigned trail section that is convenient to your own home and according to a schedule that works for you! To gear up for the assignment, you will learn about the data recording and reporting procedures and be introduced to some very useful nature apps to help with the identification and reporting of the invasive species you are trying to find along your assigned trail section.



Guided Nature Walk with Trail Steward or Stewardship Staff Member -

Interested in learning about what type of plants, wildlife and ecological communities inhabit the natural areas surrounding our region's trail systems? Want to know what some of the threats are to our forested parklands and how you can help?

This guided hike will provide you with the skills and eye for basic plant identification including the key features of some common native and invasive trees and shrubs. It will also provide a high level overview of other features of natural history of the area. You will also be introduced to and can practice using some really helpful and easy-to-use nature ID apps along the way. It's the perfect way to take your hiking experience to the next level and learn about the diversity of life along the trails.



Any Non-Trail U NYNJTC Event -

Attend any non-Trail U Event from the NYNJTC Events Page.