Popolopen Bridge Volunteers Wanted

October 25, 2012
New York-New Jersey Trail Conference


Popolopen Bridge Volunteers Wanted



A new bridge for the Popolopen Gorge trail crossing is to arrive at the park warehouse on Monday, October 29th. Help us install it. Contact Larry Wheelock for info and to register your interest in helping: wheelock@nynjtc.org or 201.512.9348, ext. 16.


Popolopen Bridge after IreneThis 62-foot fiberglass bridge is to replace the identical unit that was washed out by Hurricane Irene.  Many of you worked on or may be otherwise familiar with the assembly and installation work performed some years ago. 

We can't establish firm work dates until the materials are moved by the park to the bridge site. We expect to assemble teams for mid-week days and for weekends, possibly beginning by Wednesday November 1st.

The initial work effort will be to construct the side rails of the bridge which are the major  support trusses. This entails assembly of the fiberglass components on the ground above the creek bank, including handling of light and moderately heavy fiberglass components (the largest being easily handled by two people).  Each assembled truss will weigh several hundred pounds. Tools required are open end and socket wrenches.  Prior skill is  not required; we will be training on the spot. 

Following that will be up-righting the completed sections and carrying them into position to attach to the cables for sending across the creek with the cables and manual grip hoists, as before.  Last will be final assembly (bolting on) of heavy cross members, braces, and flooring, utilizing scaffolding assembled in the creek bed. 

The park is currently repairing the abutments, including alignment and re-installation of the large support timbers.

Please indicate your interest and potential availability to help with this project such that we can contact you once establishment of work dates is possible.  Helpful would be to indicate tentative availability days covering the next three weeks.

These work days are expected to be interesting, fun, and rewarding.--John Mack, Trails Chair