Appalachian Trail Corridor Monitor



Have a passion for the Appalachian Trail? Become a monitor of the trail boundaries that surround this historic, beloved trail.


  • Walk corridor boundaries of a section of the Appalachian Trail Lands 2 to 4 times per year

  • Verify monuments and boundary markers along the corridor boundary, refresh as necessary upon consultation with Corridor Manager

  • Observe and non-trail use of corridor land and report to Corridor Manager

  • Be alert to improvements/ideas that could prevent trespass

  • Report observations of rare, threatened or endangered plants along or near the Appalachian Trail

  • Use the available resources to report observations

  • Submit yearly reports on condition of corridor to corridor manager


Trained by Corridor Manager or attend NYNJTC monitoring workshop in both field and skills work


Please note that you must be 18 or older to apply for this volunteer position. If you are under 18, please have your guardian apply for the Corridor Monitor position and then you may volunteer with them. 

Apply here to become a Trail Corridor Monitor.


Time Commitment: 
Cover trail 4 times per year.